Bongou Foods

About Us.

Our Story:

It was never my intention to start a company food manufacturing company. Bon Gou was started out of the need to find a natural, healthier alternative to high fructose corn syrup for my children. As any mother will tell you, motherhood is the most challenging, yet gratifying job. Every decision we make will affect them for the rest of their lives. This is particularly true about the food they consume. As a mom of three children, I am always concerned about what I feed them. This is particularly important because two of my children, my twins are on the autism spectrum. Unfortunately, often what is healthy and wholesome, is not always the tasty foods they’ll eat. When it comes to nutrition, I often hit a brick wall with my children, especially my twins.
One day we were all sitting around the table after lunch when my son was reading the Barbecue sauce label and asked me “what is high fructose corn syrup”? When I couldn’t give him a satisfactory answer, I decided if I couldn’t explain it to him, then I had no business feeding it to them. Besides, that was a major issue with my twins because the high fructose corn syrup made them particularly hyper. I started developing recipes substituting high fructose corn syrup with different types of sugars, both natural and artificial, trying to find a balance between taste and nutrition. Finally, I developed several recipes for baked goods, dessert sauces and barbecue sauces using rapadou. Rapadou is an unbleached and unrefined whole cane sugar that distinguishes itself by its high mineral content of more than 1.5%. The result was whatever I made using rapadou, was both healthier and tasted better than anything else I was buying. So, rapadou became our sweetener of choice for Bon Gou products! While the initial intention was to develop better products, with a healthier natural sugar alternative to high fructose corn syrup for my children, I’m so proud of what it became. Next to my children, this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love Bon Gou products and we know once you try it, you too will love them!

What is Rapadou?

Rapadou is a solid form of unrefined cane sugar, high in molasses content that gives it the caramel characteristic and color. While in Haiti it is called rapadou, it is also produced and consumed in Latin American and many Asian countries.
Other common names for rapadou are:
Rapaduro: Brazil
Panela: Columbia
Piloncillo: Mexico
Gur: India
Tapa Dulce: Costa Rica
Namtan Tanode: Thailand
Gula Melaka: Malaysia
Kokuto: Japan

Benefits of Rapadou:

Rapadou is high in Vitamin c, which helps the nervous system function better among other benefits, Vitamin B6, which contributes to the formation of red blood cells, reduces and prevents dizziness, niacin, which helps fight against problems of high cholesterol and circulation. It is also rich in Riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, phosphorous and potassium. Rapadou is different from white (refine) sugar because white (refine) sugar removes the nutrient-rich molasses during the refining process. In addition, white (refine)sugar has more sucrose. Rapadou sugar has less sucrose than refined sugar because of the remaining molasses. This gives Rapadou a low GI: that long and slow release of energy into your body. Farmers grow the sugar cane organically and is processed the least out of all sugars. The sugar cane is harvested by hand with a machete (a big knife) and then cleaned and chopped up. t is pressed several times to extract the juice, which is then evaporated at low temperatures (under 40°C) in open vats until it thickens, which means all the goodness remains. The thick syrup is dried, then ground, and finally sieved to give the fine grains of Rapadou. This creates a rich, caramel flavor to anything it is added to, such as your baked treats, desserts, cooking & sauces.

Why rapadou is better for our planet and better for our bodies

The sugar cane leaves are cut from the stalk and left on the field as green manure, so there is no use of pesticides, and harvesting is facilitated as only the stalks are left standing. Unlike the common practice in conventional agriculture, organic farmers refrain from burning the fields before harvesting, which means compostable material is preserved and used again. Organic cultivation thus not only protects useful micro-habitats and the environment, but also ensures that rich organic substances are fed back into the nutrient cycle.

Who We Are?

Bon Gou is a minority-own and operated company. I value diversity of all types. At Bon Gou, I believe that diversity is a strength. I am proud to produce My products right here in Piscataway New Jersey, the center of food innovation. In addition to pen Patat and cheesecakes, Bon Gou offers a wide variety of products including Bon Gou barbecue Sauces and rubs, steak sauces, pancake and waffle mix (coming soon). I tested and retested every Bon Gou product by providing them to friends and family and adjusting my recipes according to their feedback. My friends, family, and neighbors love Bon Gou products and encouraged me to sell them. After careful considerations, evaluating whether I really have high quality product, and seeing the difference in how rapadou affected the twin’s behavior, I agreed.

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